Kathy doing a selfie

Kathy doing a selfie

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lessons I have taught my Person-Part 1

Hay, I am Boo and you are not!  I want to share some of the lessons that I have taught my human.  She is a pretty good "mom", and she has been trained well, with only occasional outbursts of not wanting to do as I tell her to.  But, she always gives in, how could she ever say NO to such a beautiful, intelligent cat as I am?

I met Kat, my human, on the day I was born.  My cat mom was Kat's baby.  My mom's mom was feral and crazy, all she did was have litters and no one could catch or trap her to get her spayed.  She gave birth to my mom's litter in a dog house, that belonged to a huge dog that hated cats, not very bright!  She was moving the litter, in a panic and she dropped my mom on the sidewalk in front of Kat's place.  My mom was only about 1 hour old, Kat brought her in expecting her to not make it, it was February and freezing out, but my mom lived.  Kat loved her so much, Harry, my mom and Kat were always together, always.  My mom got pregnant and Kat let her have the babies.  When my mom went into labor, she was so scared, but Kat calmed her down and helped her deliver us, cleaning us and cutting the cord.  My mom finally figured out what to do and became an awesome mom to me and my brother and sisters.  When we were 5 weeks old something happened to my mom and she had to be put down.  My Kat has not nor do I think will ever get over losing Harry, my mom.  Kat kept all 4 of us because we were part of her cat baby and because we remind her of Harry.  Me, I look the most like my mom and my personality is such like hers, so in Kat's eyes, I Rule!  That is my brief history, I was born into this house and am a house cat and I am the Queen Cat, the Boss Lady, Ruler of the House.

In this 1st post, I will tell you about how I make her understand me.  We do understand each other, we listen and can understand the sounds and tones.  This is important to learn so your human will submit to you with understanding.

With the pitch of my meow, Kat knows what I am feeling, when I meow at a high pitch, that means I am quite happy and content with my world,  but when the pitch lowers, watch out, I am becoming agitated.  My hissing, growling and screams let everyone know that I feel threatened or I use them to threaten my family.  "Get off my bed," is a simple hiss and a good right hook  I do not growl nor scream at my family but use that tone when we are all laying by the screen door, enjoying the outside, and the big tom cat that lives in another house, comes right up to my door.  We all start in growling and screaming at him, the dog who lives here, she gets into it all too.

I have allowed the dog to live here and eat food.  She is smaller than us and has huge ears and we rule.  We play with her, when we feel like it, and have even given her a couple of our toys.  She knows when to back off when I want something.  If she gets to excited, I just swat her in the butt, that stops her!

I chirp and chatter when I go into hunting mode, even clicking my teeth rapidly.  I guess I do this because I want to get outside and hunt, but I also do it because my human likes it.  Sometimes, you have to throw a treat to them, keeping them in line.

Kat and the other humans here love to hear me purr.  When getting brushed and petted, I purr so hard that I vibrate.  I also purr when I am stressed.  I really do not like to be picked up and held but my human likes to do that and say over and over, "Boobooboo".  Why?  I think she is a little nutty, but she likes to do that, so I let her.  I purr when she is holding me to calm myself down, this time it is not for her, it is for me.

I am not a kneader, but I do give her head butts to say hi and hay, I trust you and feel safe when you are with me.  Then, I give her a little bite to let her know that I am not happy being left alone, that her place is here, taking care of me.  Also, the little bite, it is to the fat under her arm, not hard enough to hurt, just enough to have her say, "What??".  I use that to train her or to get her attention, like when I want to eat, be played with,(we play fetch, she tosses my mouse, I fetch it and bring it back, then repeat, over and over and over)

I only eat 1 kind of canned cat food, in only my bowl, prepared how I want it done and fed to me by hand, she has to hold my bowl.  And, most of the time, I only take a couple of bites at a time, drives her nuts.  But, she does it for me, and she also gives me her food cut up small.  I have it made.

A couple of last things, I stare at her all the time, I sit on the end of our bed, watching her, to make sure she is doing what I told her to do, get my food, clean my litter box, what ever I am having her do.  I also, follow her to make sure she washes my bowl each time, uses the right food, cuts it up right, then I run ahead of her and keep looking back to make sure she is coming.  I follow her everywhere she goes, keeping an eye on her.  Then, just mostly to drive her crazy, I ignore her.  She knows I can hear her, I put my ears back when she is talking to me, but I refuse to look at her or do whatever she wants me to do.  This is to reinforce who is in charge.

And, that is all for today, next time, I will share with you my take on life.  Stay tuned, you won't want to miss that one.

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